Born in Hamburg, Germany 1971
Muthesius Hochschule for Art and Design, Kiel, Germany,2000 Master in Photography 1971年 ドイツ ハンブルク生まれ。 2000年 ドイツ、キールのムテジウス芸術大学写真学科修士号取得 |
2019 group exhibition ‘Utopie und Un-Raum‘ at Atelierhaus Breite Strasse as part of‘Zeitgleich – Zeitzeichen’ under the patronage of BBK Germany
2019 solo exhibition ‘Midnight Sento‘ at Nanagei, The 7th Art Theatre, Osaka Japan
2019 1-month residency at The Blend Art Exchange Program, Osaka, Japan, supportedby the Ministry of Culture and Media, Hamburg
2019 exhibition at ‘Street Art Season II‘ organised by Almost Four Art Space Chengdu,China, supported by the Consulate General of Germany in Chengdu
2019 group exhibition ‘A Xerox Show‘ at Hart Club London, curated by The PhotocopyClub
2019 group exhibition ‘With or Without the Sun: essay-film and the image of Japan‘ at Enfants Art Space, Hamburg.
2019 1-month residency and exhibition ‘How Close is Here?‘ at Almost Four ArtSpace, Chengdu / China, supported by IFA, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Germany
2018/2019 3-month residency at The Blend Art Exchange Program, Osaka / Japan,supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan and the Ministry of Culture and Media, Hamburg
Residency exhibitions ‘The Sound of Things As They‘ (November 2018), ‘AIHANSURU‘(December 2018, with Yoshinori Henguchi), ‘None Asunder‘ (January 2019)
2018 group exhibition ‘Between or Border‘ at Photoville New York, curated by MUGSeoul
2018 group exhibition ‘Xerox and Destroy‘ at Doomed Gallery London, curated by ThePhotocopy Club
2018 group exhibition ‘Protest hat viele Formen‘ at Kunsthaus Hamburg.
2018 solo exhibition ‘Things as They‘ at Kyotographie/KG+, Kyoto, Japan, supportedby the Ministry of Culture and Media, Hamburg
2018 group exhibition ‘With or Without the Sun, Chris Marker, the film-essay, and themeeting with Japan‘ at SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen.
2016 lectures and workshop at Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts and Shanghai Art &Design Academy
2015 co-planning of, and participation in German-Chinese art project / artistexchange ‘Interchange and
Commentary III‘ in Hamburg, Germany, with exhibitions at‘artville’ and ‘Frappant’ gallery, Hamburg.
2015 - 2017 group exhibitions ‘Kleine Formate’ at Atelierhaus Breite Strasse,Hamburg.
2014 German-Chinese art project / artist exchange ‘Can I ask you a personalquestion‘, with exhibition at
the Art Museum of Sichuan University in Chengdu, China.
2014 artist book release ‘Photographs 2013‘ and group exhibition at AKIKO,Hamburg.
2012 – 2015 group exhibitions ‘Open Ateliers‘ at Atelierhaus Breite Strasse, Hamburg.since 2012 resident at artists’ workshop Atelierhaus Breite Strasse, Hamburg
2010 project manager at ‘CPH\DV‘, a Default Network spatial art project at Dockville Festival in Hamburg
2010 co-founder of 'Default Network', a network of German and Danish artists
Things As They
For his series ‘Things As They‘ Fabian Hammerl sets himself adrift in urban andsuburban environments.
He chooses an initial point, then starts walking, losing direction and awareness of the signals that are set to guide us in everyday life. The photographs taken during those long and aimless strolls are sensual recordings of his own emotional state, with the spirit of former and actual inhabitants lingering on.
His photographs depict the universal character of urban density, the open fringes of planned development, and the conflicting interests involved in the constitution of space. By paying attention to the emotive features that are embedded in every structure, the interrelation between the actual geographical environment and the emotional sphere created by human individuality becomes visible.
While being very accurate in their description of spatial situations, Fabian Hammerl’s
photographs never deny the elusive character of their creation, reflecting the transitory
nature of urban space.
To Fabian Hammerl, formations of houses, streets, infrastructure, furniture,vegetation,
are unfinished narratives.
By taking a photograph he adds his own thread, blurring the line between depicted reality
and the imaginary. Despite being devoid of people, his photographs contain a multitude of individual stories,including the ones the beholder is invited to invent and put him- or herself in.
「Things As They」シリーズは、ファビアン・ハメルが都会と郊外の環境に彼自身を漂わせながら撮影した作品。スタート地点を選び、日常生活の中で普段導いてくれる方角も信号も意識しないままに歩く。目的のない長い散歩中に撮影された写真は、彼自身の心境を感覚的に記録したものであり、その場所には存在した過去と現在の人の気配が漂っている。彼の写真は、都市密度による街の普遍的な特徴や、未完成な開発計画の周縁、空間の構成に相反する利害関係などを描写している。全ての建造物に埋め込まれた情緒的な特徴に注目すると、地理的環境と人の個性との相互関係が見えてくる。ファビアン・ハメルの写真は場所の状況を正確に見せながらも、人が創り上げた空間に潜む特徴、そして都市空間の移りゆく本質を反映している。ファビアン・ハメルにとって、家屋、道路、インフラ、家具、植物はすべて未完成の物語である。彼は写真によって映されている現実と想像の世界の境目を曖昧に縫い合わせている。人は全く写っていないものの、作品には一人一人の物語がたくさん含まれている。そして、観る側を自分の物語を生み出すようにその世界に誘い込む。